Source code for vabene.atom.factories.random_atom_factory

Random Atom Factory


import random
import itertools as it

from .atom_factory import AtomFactory

__all__ = ('RandomAtomFactory', )

[docs]class RandomAtomFactory(AtomFactory): """ Creates a random collection of atoms. Parameters ---------- atoms : :class:`tuple` of :class:`.Atom` The atoms, which are randomly selected, with replacement, in each :meth:`~.RandomAtomFactory.get_atoms` call. num_atoms : :class:`int` The number of atoms which should be yielded in each :meth:`~.RandomAtomFactory.get_atoms` call. required_atoms : :class:`tuple` of :class:`.Atom`, optional Atoms, which must be yielded in each :meth:`~.RandomAtomFactory.get_atoms` call. random_seed : :class:`int`, optional The random seed to use. """ def __init__( self, atoms, num_atoms, required_atoms=(), random_seed=None, ): self._atoms = atoms self._num_atoms = num_atoms self._required_atoms = required_atoms self._generator = random.Random(random_seed)
[docs] def get_atoms(self): yield from it.islice(self._required_atoms, self._num_atoms) num_atoms = self._num_atoms - len(self._required_atoms) if num_atoms > 0 and self._atoms: yield from self._generator.choices( population=self._atoms, k=num_atoms, )